Life at the Moment
Well it's been quite a while since i've last written - i don't even know where to start - we are in the midst of handing in our like 8 assignments that we were given when we first started classes - i had started most of mine so i'm not so bad, but it's funny, you really have to use your time wisely, because just when you plan to wait and do homework the next day, something comes up, another meeting to go to, someone needs your help with something or people drop by your apartment just to visit, sing etc - did i mention that i did end up getting my piano?? it got moved on March 31st - i had to be at the beach that day for our university outreach but my roommate so graciously offered to go with people to get it because she knew the place, so it all went super smoothly, like done in 2 hours - it was fantastic and i love playing my piano, - i play and my roommate either plays her flute or her guitar and we sing etc - it's great - or i just play and worship with it!! so the last little while has been interesting - i've been trying to run in the morning and then that was really working so i started going to the gym in the mornings, but it's so hard to get in a regular schedule because of school etc and then just living life, like sometimes you just need to talk and so you stay up late chatting etc - so yeah anyways, not doing well with the consistency aspect - but i love being here, like every day there is a chance for God to continue to bring things up in me that i have to deal with etc - and he's just working in me, refining me, helping me to grow and i'm really learning to priortize things and learning to say "no" - there is so much here to help with all the time, so many different ministries and people are always needing help, but i realized that it's okay to say no - i was feeling like major pressure to be this leader and i didn't feel like i was and i've realized that this is a leadership college and throughout this time my leadership qualities and abilities will be developed, and i am who i am and i'm where i'm at at this point and i will do the best i can do right now but i know if i try to take too many things on then i just spread myself too thin and don't get anything done well - so i'm learning to say no and focus my energy on one or two things and do them really well- we had a goal to do at the begining of the year and i got it back and in it the comments were that i was trying to take on too much and that realistically i wouldn't be able to do everything, i need to take care of me, i'm really learning in that area right now!! i had a great day yesterday though, man chapel was awesome and then i was able to pray for one of my friends that was feeling sick and then i got to help stuff envelopes for a powerhouse mailout that needs to be done by monday - 6000 envelopes have to go out - a 2.5 hour job turned into 5 and we still weren't done and then we went to powerhouse at night which was united with the fuel and wildlife aged youth and at the end we got to get into groups and just pray for each other and pray for whatever God was saying to us - and i was so nervous because i didn't think i knew how to do that and then i started praying for this girl and all this stuff was just coming to me, so i spoke it and at the end she was in tears, so i know that God spoke through me, i was so excited!!! I've been looking for jobs so keep praying for me that i find one that God leads me to the right place etc - i really want this year to be as debt-free as possible - oh yeah and my income tax money hasn't come in yet nor my ontario student loans so if you could really pray for my finances that would be great - it's pretty interesting! let me know how i can be praying for you guys! our break is coming up soon - may 3-16 - can't wait, my friend Liz is coming to visit!!!! it will be so great to have 2 weeks off and not have to do any assignments etc or serve, not that i don't love serving, but it's always nice to have a break from everything and just get refresed and refocused!!! especially keeping God as my number one priority :-) OHHHHHHHH i forgot to mention, i knew there was someting else i was forgetting to write about - these 2 guys came into our youth leadership class to talk to us about Hillsong Youth Services, which is a group that works with the community, they do programs called Strength (for men) and Shine (for women) in the public schools in Sydney, so i guess anyone who has opted out of scripture classes ends up in these classes where they can't preach the gospel but they allude to it etc - and then they have these other activities with youth in the community, where basically they just are out there to meet the needs of these kids first and foremost, hang with them etc and then introduce JEsus way down the line, but that is not their first priority, and it sounds so amazing, i totally want to get involved with it!!!
Wow do you ever sound Reading your post is like listening to you talk in person - it's awesome! I'm so glad you have a break coming up, we all definitely need those times off! Glad that you're doing great and that you have your piano!
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