I Can't Believe I'm Here!
Okay so today was our first time to visit HILLSONG CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!! like we were actually there - like really there! wow, still hard to believe - no more our worship bands playing Hillsong Music, but actually being there were the hillsong band is playing their music - so exciting and tonight is the summer surf night so we go back to church for 6 pm - some guy in the visitors lounge at church when we went there today after service said he lived in our area and offered us a lift home and then he offered us a lift back to service tonight so i think we are getting a ride there so that is exciting!
Franny did my hair this morning! she did it the way she did hers, with special conditioning mouse and stuff, wow, it's beautiful! the curls are so defined and staying defined despite the humidity - it's nice and sunny outside today! and warm, the intense sun heat is great!
we get our fridge and washing machine tomorrow and then we can go grocery shopping! yay!!! so excited!
i don't know what else to say at the moment - apparently there aren't any cell phones that you can buy here that allow you to call with a calling card even if there is a toll free number, it still uses all the local minutes here so they advise to use a landline or payphone, but it's $300 to get a landline in - so that really sucks, but if someone calls me long distance i don't get charged for it, so i might have to do that i guess
anyways i'm out - have to update on the service tonight after we get back sometime from it
I was hoping you'd post after going to a church service there! Franco and I have a worship DVD and just watching it gives me goosebumps..how incredible to be there! Hope you two get settled in soon - enjoy that warm weather for me!
Hey MeL,
I'm SoOoOoOo.....glad to here you guys are really enjoying yourselves, but I mean come on........who wouldn't??? LoL
As you know dance has started up again now that we're in the New Year we have some new arrivals. And you best believe Mrs. Hunter is whiping us into shape! :)
She would like to have everyone who's ready to dance MaryMary>>> The Real Party ready for next sunday Jan 28th for an offering song! So that's gonna be intresting....hehe! Well thanx for your inupt on things we really, really, REALLY miss you both. *Stay Blessed*
Hey Mel,
Glad to see that you are really enjoying yourself. It sounds so exciting. Just so you know, it snowed here on Tuesday - so it's cold!! Hope the warm weather is nice, we definitely could use that around here. Talk to you soon.
Luv ya
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