Sunday, April 24, 2005

coming back

Well it's been a while since i last posted something - would you believe that i couldn't figure out how to post another blurb? ha, yup that's right, couldn't figure it out! anyways so i have been kinda feeling lost in the church, not really sure if i have any talents etc to offer (although i know i do but sometimes just don't feel like i do) - and so things are starting to look up a bit - i realized that my relationship with God has been faltering - i have been lacking the prayer life that i had had in the past - my own attitude and heart needed to be changed - today i got to play my flute in church for ladies sunday - and it felt so great to be up there and then i got to usher as well - which was nice - the service was awesome - i got excited again for God and to serve Him and to draw close to Him again - i'm still struggling, i will admit that, things aren't perfect, but i need to change first - and i realized that talking to people telling them about your struggles really does help - it's nice to know you are not the only one going thru something. One thing i must say is that it is snowing here and it has been for the past almost 36 hours straight - can you believe that? the end of april and it's snowing and not stopping! that's craziness! anyways i don't have much to say really except thank you for everyone who has been praying for me, i really appreciate it -

peace out,


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